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Hi all, Development news: Aid delivery & kidnapping-the complexities of the humanitarian system; Social accountability and the risk of another buzzword; the business sector will not ‘fix’ development; maternal death, Assam tea & contemporary India; Kenya challenges expat aid work(ers); UN in Congo got caught in local political webs through whistleblower; how to fix philanthropy. Ou r digital lives: How digital humanities have changed us, them & science; design thinking-another buzzword for development? Publication: New article on complexities of women’s engagement in scientific conferencing Academia: A harassment whistleblower on the job market; why more diverse students still benefit from the traditional college lecture. Enjoy! New from aidnography As the Rio 2016 Olympic Games kick off-12 suggestions for stereotypical global media stories As Rio is located in the Southern hemisphere this is an excellent opportunity to rely on some of the (stereo)typical reportin