Links & Contents I Liked 213
Hi all, Welcome to the last link review for 2016! My annua l development blogging review will conclude the year next week and in the meantime enjoy some interesting r eadings as a bre ak from the holiday stress ; )! Development news: Aid consultants-value for money? Pentagon waste; algorithms can’t replace humanitarians; Jeffrey Sachs is not happy with Economics; humanitarian actors and power players-too close to comfort? Does automation mean the end of develop ment? Helping as ego-stroking; dangerous mining in Colombia; more Nepali men die in their sleep; the Bollywood-feelgood-complex Our digital lives: Celebrities fuel the corporate machine; new media brands & environmental journalism; Holacracy is just management BS Publications: Doing Development Differently; open innovation; Education in Emergencies; training global health comms professionals Academia: Fighting oppression in academia Happy Holidays ! New from aidnography The corporatization of aid enables greedy