
Showing posts from December, 2016

Links & Contents I Liked 213

Hi all, Welcome to the last link review for 2016! My annua l development blogging review will conclude the year next week and in the meantime enjoy some interesting r eadings as a bre ak from the holiday stress ; )! Development news: Aid consultants-value for money? Pentagon waste; algorithms can’t replace humanitarians; Jeffrey Sachs is not happy with Economics; humanitarian actors and power players-too close to comfort? Does automation mean the end of develop ment? Helping as ego-stroking; dangerous mining in Colombia; more Nepali men die in their sleep; the Bollywood-feelgood-complex Our digital lives: Celebrities fuel the corporate machine; new media brands & environmental journalism; Holacracy is just management BS  Publications: Doing Development Differently; open innovation; Education in Emergencies; training global health comms professionals Academia: Fighting oppression in academia Happy Holidays ! New from aidnography The corporatization of aid enables greedy

The corporatization of aid enables greedy consultants and high executive salaries

As much as I understand the Sisyphusian dimension of the task, I feel that I need to respond to recent Times and Daily Mail reporting on overpaid development consultants and excessive executive pay packages for UK charity executives: Britain's foreign aid budget pays out billions of pounds to consultants (Brendan Cole, International Business Times, 8 December) Priti Patel and Dfid must crack down on the foreign-aid fatcats (Ian Birrell, inews, 18 December) Begging bowl barons: my MoS investigation into charity chiefs earning up to £618k a year off back of the aid boom — Ian Birrell (@ianbirrell) December 18, 2016 This time it is a bit more complicated me than simply wringing hands about post-factual news reporting , because aid budget spending on consultants and for-profit consultancy firms or pay packages in excess of 500,000 GBP/year for David Miliband at International Res cue Commit tee should be criticized publicly. 'The charities ne

Links & Contents I Liked 212

Hi all, Only one more week before a short holiday break! Development news: Holiday giving the right way; UNICEF in pictures Then & Now; Wonder Woman retires from UN job; Drowning-a massive cause of global child death; J.K. Rowling dislikes orphanages; a id enters-rents hike in Nigeria; Andrea Cornwall on gender, development and academia; do they know there’s evidence? SenseMaker & development projects; mapping the logistics of the U.S. military-industrial complex. Our digital lives: A political TeenVogue ; the 3D printing revolution that wasn’t. Publications: Caring for humanitarian carers; engaged excellence; community monitoring to combat corruption. Academia: Associations & their paywalled journals; better policies for more diverse panels. Enjoy! New from aidnography What’s next for #allmalepanel? I have written about all male panels before and I am regularly following the #allmalepanel hashtag for updates on that topic. (...) Re

What’s next for #allmalepanel?

I have written about all male panels before and I am regularly following the #allmalepanel hashtag for updates on that topic. I also n oticed that t hree new academic articles (paywalled) were published in the International Feminist Journal of Politics (scro ll down to ‘ Conversations ’ ) . Recently, I noticed three developments that add more nuances to the debate on gender and panel diversity-and more broadly on how ‘we’ meet and conference. Why so many men/people on a single panel? Even though this requires a bit more research, it really seems that 7 has become some kind of magic number. Look forward to this panel on #G20 #globalhealth , despite the #allmalepanel fail. — Katri Bertram (@KatriBertram) December 7, 2016 Maybe people only share panels with a particularly large number of men, but in general I have a gut feeling that panels seem to grow in different surroundings such as academia, policy and other public events. So even if we assum

Links & Contents I Liked 211

Hi all, One moment you are reading an interesting story-the next moment it’s already time for the Friday link review! Development news: UK reviews development consultant spending; Compassion International wins Rusty Radiator (for video, not their organization's name...); Afghanistan’s first female rapper; ‘Made in Rwanda’ & the complexities of Chinese engagement in the garment industry; front line health work successes in Uganda; why Ford president shouldn’t have joined PepsiCo board; political correctness, feminism and bad taste-Cards Against Humanity edition; white fragility. Our digital lives: #blacklivesmatter and digital movements; representing the new Africa; sociologists take celebrity seriously. Publications: The Bright and Dark Sides of Data-Driven Decision-Making; Gendering War & Peace Reporting; The cost of coherence; Trends in UN Peacekeeping fatalities. Academia: Ethnographies of the neoliberal university; making academic conferences accessible and in