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Hi all, I am fortunate to have such a great & generous network! Giulio from NRC , Khalifa & Ragy from the Dignified Storytelling Alliance plus Val from Amnesty together with Dante from IFRC presented their work, shared reflections on digital humanitarian communication & discussed with our students on Thursday! Such a great day! It is also Friday so time for some food for reading-a lot on widening/broadening inequalities due to platform capitalism, but as always much more to explore... My quotes of the week The same economy of clicks determines the fates of refugees across the Middle East. Forced to adapt their sleeping patterns to meet the needs of firms on the other side of the planet and in different time zones, the largely Syrian population of Lebanon’s Shatila camp forgo their dreams to serve those of distant capitalists. (Refugees help power machine learning advances at Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon) We call this “Peace from the hands and in the likeness of w...