Links & Contents I Liked 23
Hello all, Let's cut to the chase: My three top reads for this week include 'The Aid Bitchslap' (not, unlikely to be awarded 'gender-sensitive post of the year'...), a detailed critique of Foreign Policy's 'Sex' issue and, depending of whether you are more interested in development or academic stuff, a piece on how the Conservatives have changed foreign aid in Canada or the long and detailed story of how Sonoma State University in California came to represent a lot of the things that have gone wrong in US higher education finances. Enjoy! New on aidnography Only get an MBA if you are not interested in sustainable development My response to Charles Kenny's post in Foreign Policy Influencing policy, or: Why nobody in Germany will be reading this My comment on a recent study on how policy-makers, 'influentials' and the general public engage with development-related information Development NYC Department of Records announces on-line access to a