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Hi all, After a lot of food for the body for most who celebrate Thanksgiving, here's your weekly food for mind & soul ;)! Development news: Protracted conflict & lives in South Sudan; Radi-Aid award finalists; reparations as radical philanthropy in Africa; governance (un)reform in Nepal; innovations in bureaucracy; communicating a project evaluation from Uganda; successful community-driven activism in Malawi; pity, politeness & charity communications. Our digital lives: Better (humanitarian) news consumption; self-care beyond bath salts & chocolate; the sound & power of algorhythmic governance. Publications: An ethnography of social media in Trinidad; fixing the journalist-fixer relationship; gender equality in higher education. Academia: De-colonising education in South Africa; the utility of blogging & blogs in #highered. Enjoy! New from aidnography The complexities of the ‘lifting people out of poverty’ narrative It was probably Dina Pomeranz’ lon