Handbook on Humanitarianism and Inequality - Chapter 09 - Faith actors in humanitarianism: dynamics and inequalities

Every two weeks I am going to feature one of the chapters of our Handbook on Humanitarianism and Inequality which was published in spring 2024. This week we are taking a closer look at Chapter 09 - Faith actors in humanitarianism: dynamics and inequalities - contributed by Olivia Wilkinson and Jennifer Philippa Eggert. From the introduction Wider debates on humanitarianism tend to overlook or underestimate the role of religion ( Wilkinson, 2019 ), and discussions of inequalities and humanitarian work often do not include questions of religion ( Allouche et al., 2020 ). Analyses of how religions and religious dynamics create new or shape and reinforce existing inequalities in humanitarian contexts are rare. This is the case despite the important role religions play in the everyday lives of many, if not most, people in humanitarian settings ( Hackett and Grim, 2012 ). Yet in the last 15 years or so, there has been a renewed interest in religious beliefs and practices in humanitarian sp...