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Christmas Tree in Milan, Italy Source: Wikipedia Hi all, I'm leaving some great readings here for the holidays. Aidnography will take a short break and I'll be back with my #globaldev review of 2018 at the beginning of January! Happy holidays! New from aidnography Don’t let agencies and influencers ru(i)n your development communication! A “quick fix” is not to work with “influencers” that have no sustainable connection to aid work, NGO campaigning & meaningful global engagement. I can’t see any benefit coming from these engagements and generating a few tweets, Insta posts and signatures to an online petition are some kind of development communication plastic engagement that will only pollute an ocean of mediatized engagement and get an innocent sea turtle entangled in your web of single-use campaign fast food waste. I would also urge organizations to be more careful, perhaps even conservative in their approaches of working with agencies. At the end of the day develop...