Links & Contents I Liked 349

Hi all, Happy holidays! This is the final link review for 2019, packed with great content worthy to wrap up another crazy year in #globaldev. Because of a great teaching opportunity in Indonesia (in Bandung of all historical #globaldev places!) and regular teaching duties at home at the beginning of our spring semester we probably won't be 'seeing' much of each other until the end of January. I also posted a longer essay recently that seems very suitable as a replacement for more typical end-of-the-year reflections-so come back after the holidays and explore more ;)! My quotes of the week These refusals to see, refusals to change, mean that we have strapped ourselves to a machine designed to destroy us. But we live in hope that before it does, at least it feeds us, sustains us for a while, unlike the poor benighted souls in the sacrifice zone, the wretched and damned of the earth, trampled under the wheels of the machine and then cast into the river with its forgotten n...