Links & Contents I Liked 318
Hi all, Welcome to this week's link review! (Just a quick technical note: As I will be traveling to Moldova next week the next link review will most likely be online on Saturday, rather than Friday afternoon) Development news from Mozambique, DRC, Australia, Venezuela, Libya, Canada, Indonesia, USA & a couple of global topics as well. Our digital lives: Captain Marvel propaganda; unpaid interns; another #manel manifesto; how the poor pay with digital privacy. Publications: Sexual violence against aid workers; sexual violence against refugee men & boys; crisis in independent media; 500 unread evaluation from Uganda. Academia: How do we spend our time? Enjoy! New on aidnography Academic Neocolonialism: Clickbait and the Perils of Commercial Publishing My colleagues Lisa Ann Richey, David Simon, Ilan Kapoor & Stefano Ponte with a timely guest post as the International Studies Association’s (#ISA2019) annual meeting kicks off in Toronto. The topic is once agai