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Hi all, The first week of our new semester was busy, but the #globaldev news front was actually a bit quieter...nonetheless some interesting stuff featuring Clooney, Prendergast & the Spice Girls, a strange tale of an American missionary who seems to have practiced medicine without a license in Uganda, a harrowing story about violence & trauma in South Sudan and the extension of imperialism via women at the top of the military-industrial complex & as political ambassadors in Germany... Enjoy! New from aidnography Can you imagine a world without Think Tanks? Perhaps the answers to the title of the post are less rhetorical than the title suggests, but I have been wondering lately what the role of Thinks Tanks in the international development industry really is. (...) It’s 2019 after all and I wonder what would happen if they/many/some weren’t around anymore. Haven’t other institutional arrangements caught up to think-tanky ways of working? Development news 8 things w