Links & Contents I Liked 168
Hi all, Welcome to the final link review of 2015! This one is a bit longer (the Internet apparently does not have holidays…) with plenty of good reads for the long weekend! In Development we look at supply and demand for data in a donor dominant world; community-driven reconstruction in Nepal; indigenous communities vs. ICT4D in Costa Rica; how bad is microcredit for Africa?; IKEA shelters may not reinvent refugee accommodation; photographing ‘Africa’. Our Digital Lives looks at the college dropouts-turned Thiel fellows; feminist data visualization; COP21 & data; Twitter bots as activism. In Academia a Harvard medical professor talks privilege; Elsevier’s new African open access science journal; the rise of hype language in academic publishing; another reminder why US for-profit colleges suck. Enjoy! New from aidnography My development blogging & communication review 2015 Development news 2015 Humanitarian year in pictures Here is our pick of the best pictures of