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Hi all, This is the final weekly #globaldev post for 2022. A special section on 'localization' & articles on EA, greenwashing & countries like Haiti or DRC in crisis all resonate with another year coming to its close between relief, groundhog day vibes & some hopes that 2023 can only be better... Regular blogging will resume in mid-January - Happy holidays & a great start into 2023! Tobias My quotes of the week Currently there is no way to comprehensively quantify how much funding reaches local actors, let alone how much reaches key sub-groups, for example women-led and women’s rights organisations and refugee-led organisations. This is partly because there is no agreed definition for these different categories. (Tracking humanitarian funding to local actors: what we’ve learnt) For some countries, port construction or expansion may enhance the implementation of industrial policy frameworks by reducing transport costs and inefficiencies. Yet this is not a given...