Handbook on Humanitarianism and Inequality - Chapter 09 - Faith actors in humanitarianism: dynamics and inequalities

Every two weeks I am going to feature one of the chapters of our Handbook on Humanitarianism and Inequality which was published in spring 2024.

This week we are taking a closer look at Chapter 09 - Faith actors in humanitarianism: dynamics and inequalities - contributed by Olivia Wilkinson and Jennifer Philippa Eggert.

From the introduction
Wider debates on humanitarianism tend to overlook or underestimate the role of religion (Wilkinson, 2019), and discussions of inequalities and humanitarian work often do not include questions of religion (Allouche et al., 2020). Analyses of how religions and religious dynamics create new or shape and reinforce existing inequalities in humanitarian contexts are rare. This is the case despite the important role religions play in the everyday lives of many, if not most, people in humanitarian settings (Hackett and Grim, 2012). Yet in the last 15 years or so, there has been a renewed interest in religious beliefs and practices in humanitarian spaces, which is reflected in international relations circles more broadly (Haynes, 2021) and expanded the work on religious and international development that had started some years before (Marshall, 2021). Recently, this debate has turned to discussion of ‘faith sensitivity’ (French et al., 2018) in humanitarian response and calls for improved ‘religious literacy’ for humanitarians (Gingerich et al., 2017). Analyses of secular-religious dynamics, which delve into divides between religious and non-religious worldviews, have also been part of the debate (Ager and Ager, 2015: Wilkinson, 2019). This chapter explains how secular-religious dynamics and differences in types of faith actors need to be considered in attempts to understand inequalities in humanitarian contexts. It outlines the evolution of the main debates on the topic and illustrates key points by drawing on evidence from around the world.
The chapter starts by documenting how secular-religious dynamics have played out in
humanitarianism, demonstrating that these tensions have long been at play. There are trends that show religion has always been present in humanitarian spaces and among humanitarian actors, particularly in the formation of many big INGOs. The next section of the chapter then argues that being faith-sensitive is not enough if this sensitivity is only responsive to majority religious beliefs and practices. Instead, humanitarian action must also consider religious diversity, as diversity and the dynamics between and within different religious groups has a clear impact on the needs of people of various faiths (and none) and, if ignored, can lead to inequalities.
Lastly, the final section of the chapter illustrates the need to not only focus on religious diversity, but also current dynamics between secular and faith actors and how they can fuel inequalities. It discusses secular-religious biases in the humanitarian sector, how secular actors enact demonstrations of power, control and privilege, and how treating faith actors, particularly local faith actors (Wilkinson et al., 2022a), as inherently different from secular actors can create new inequalities (and reinforce existing ones). The conclusion discusses implications of these findings for research, practice, and policy, including practical pointers for humanitarians planning, implementing, and evaluating humanitarian work.

Note on contributors
Olivia Wilkinson
is the Director of Research at Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities (JLI), an international collaboration on evidence around religions’ roles in the humanitarian and development sectors. She directs JLI’s research work, collaborating with partners from UN agencies and governments, to faith-based organisations and NGOs, and in collaboration with universities.
She published her book, Secular and Religious Dynamics in Humanitarian Response with Routledge in early 2020 and co-edited the volume International Development and Local Faith Actors: Ideological and Cultural Encounters (Routledge, 2020).

Jennifer Philippa Eggert is a researcher and practitioner working on international development, violent conflict, humanitarian action, and migration with a focus on gender, faith, and local approaches.
She is a Senior Research Fellow at the Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities (JLI), hosted by the University of Leeds in 2021–2023.
She was previously Head of Research at a leading international
humanitarian faith-based organisation and has worked as a researcher and practitioner in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and North America.

Overviews are already available for the following chapters:
Introduction: humanitarianism and inequality – a re-orientation

Humanitarianism and colonialism

Humanitarianism and the global Cold War, 1945–1991

Humanitarianism and the new wars: humanitarianism, security, and securitisation

Humanitarianism, development and peace: a southern perspective

Localisation and the humanitarian sector

Human rights and humanitarianism

Humanitarian organisations: behemoths and butterflies


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