Links & Contents I Liked 53
Hello all, This week's links focus is on a slightly broader range of development-related topics from fight ing censorship t o unpaid care-giving, a nother new development professional network, Canada's policy shift to 'mining for pea ce an d prosperity' (actua l title of the policy document may be different), foreign policy lobbying in the U.S. , a slightly unsatisfying TedX talk on listening, how the Avon model is re inv ented in devel oping countries , the burning question of what consultant s do (' fifty percent of the job is nodding your head at whatever’s being said, thirty percent of it is just sort of looking good, and the other twenty percent is raising an objection but then if you meet resistance, then dropping it'). ...and L-O-V-E ;)! Enjoy! New on aidnography Book review: The Golden Fleece-Manipulation & Independence in Humanitarian Action Development We Fight Censorship (WeFC) is a Reporters Without Borders project tha...