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Hello all, This week's review is quite an eclectic mix - including cats and sex (in the blog-appropriate form of ethnographic research on Ugandan Internet memes and a 'sex strike' of Indonesian women for conflict resolution). But there's more for the forthc oming long holiday weekend! New publications, how drones impact development work, the media's non-engagement with the conflict in Mali, what people think is the most effective tool to curb corruption, BRICS and the new global capi talist imperialism, lazy aid journal ism around UK's Red Nose campaign as well as ref lections on the precious work-life balance. I already mentioned that chicke ns and g oats are the cats of the Ugandan Internet and last not le ast, some reflections on how 'post -publication' (peer) review can work th rough social media . And there's more! Happy holidays! New on aidnography Paved with Good Intentions–Canada’s development NGOs from idealism to imperialism (book review...