How great development discussions look like on facebook - Build Africa’s “Time Machine” video edition
There is always space for more snark, memes, satire or ironic commentary on development-related topics, so it is worth documenting a great teachable moment that happened on facebook yesterday; it basically confirms that if you maintain a great network, great insights are only a few connections away. This example does not solve the issue of filter bubbles and is by no means a cure for everything that’s broken on the Internet right now, but it quickly became a great, positive example of learning and respectful sharing. " Time Machine ", posted in September 2015 by Build Africa has received just over 2,000 views on YouTube so far, but it sparked interes ting comments on women's empowerment projects by educational NGOs focusin g on formal schooling: It started with a simple question: Friend 1: Thoughts? Is it just me or does this video suggest that it is a girl's (sole) responsibility to get educated, not marry young, etc.; an undercurrent of victim blaming? T...