My development blogging & communication review 2017
In my first annual reflection on my development blogging engagement in 2011 I stated quite plainly: Development blogging has become part of narrative writing for those who work in, study or care about international aid. A year later, in 2012 , Radi-Aid , One Laptop Per Child and musings about development being stuck ‘indoors’ appeared in my post; aid satire, techno-solutionism and challenges around conferences and meetings are still very much on today’s critical agenda as well. In 2013 I was quite enthusiastic about starting my communication for development position in Sweden as social media were anchored in my academic research and outreach. Issues of 2014 , including poor NGO communication (Tony Blair winning a humanitarian award), voluntourism (Nick Kristof traveling abroad) and how new forms of philanthrocapitalism are influencing #globaldev almost seem like timeless classics now… In 2015 I was excited about new forms of humanitarian journalism (IRIN!), the fact that aid work...