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Hi all, I usually don’t start the weekly review with my own stuff, but I worked quite hard on my longer essay on the state of development-there’s even a pdf-download to make it look serious ;)! Development news : Lake Chad crisis; cash project in Lebanon challenges donor practices; rebranding health charities in Canada; Australia’s big aid conference; development & the future of work; financial journeys of refugees; gender, ICT4D & data; we need to be generous in development work. Our digital lives : Design Thinking discovers decades-old participatory development truths; Uber is a big, bad company; can facebook fix journalism? Anthropologist researches check-cashing industry. Publication : An interesting PhD on journalism & journalists in Kenya. Academia : Big Pharma pay s big bucks for academic expertise; a history of big data . Enjoy! New from aidnography From impact to transformation: Do-Gooders, Multicolored Saviors and development as lifestyle...