Links & Contents I Liked 283
Hi all, Another great, sunny Friday! So keep the readings for the weekend and enjoy the start of your weekend outside :) ! Development news: Gender Equality Top 100; Opioid crisis in Nigeria; Addis' light rail project; the conflict in Yemen explained through humanitarian logistics; Syrian refugees in Jordan; Red Nose Day & shallow consumerism; how not to photograph Nigerian women; a female WOC encounters an 'important' white man; U.S. environmental organizations are very white; the challenges of localization for human rights NGOs Our digital lives: Sexpat journalists in Asia; Google & the military-industrial complex; the missing workplace data discussion; the oxygen of amplification; new Barbara Ehrenreich book. Publications: The false equivalent of academic freedom & free speech; how digital interventions influence girls' offline interactions. Academia: MOOCs have failed-at least in India; the Pamir region & the anthropology of Muslim humanitarianis...