
Book Review: Democracy under stress-The global crisis and beyond

This book focuses on the global financial crisis of 2008-2009 and its implications for democracy. Why and how did the crisis come about? Are there any instructive lessons to be drawn from comparisons with the Great Depression of the 1930s? What are the democratic response mechanisms to cope with serious crises? Do they work? Is China a new trend setter? Do values matter? Are global democratic rules a possibility? These are some of the key questions addressed in the volume. As more academic literature is likely to emerge on the global financial crisis, Democracy under stress is an interesting edited volume on the topic that at the same time is even more elucidative on the current state of political science. I really liked the range of contributors from 7 countries and 3 continents and the fact that this isn’t just a range of essays written by ‘usual suspects’. Although established social and political science academics, many don’t have a track reco...