WhyDev guest post: The state of HR in development work 2013
Last week, Brendan Rigby and I publ ished a post tog ether over at Wh yDev.org , reflecting on People in A id ’ s annual report ‘ The State of HR in International Humanitarian and Development Organisations’. I a m highligh ting a few key excerpts below, especially on making sense of ‘ Generat ion Z ’ and that new HR challenges in the aid industry need to be discussed further in the context of academic institutions and development studies courses. You can read t he full post here: Bringing sexy back: the state of HR in development work 2013 (...) One of the biggest challenges that the report tries to address is that it shares best HR practices and presents humanitarian HR as a professional managerial discipline within the aid industry. When it comes to teaching, training and mentoring (see for example the case study on Save The Children’s cooperation with executive management coaches for new country directors, p.15) humanitarian HR certainly tries to look at ideas from other sec...