4 reasons why MOOCs should be discussed in international development
I have been following the debate around Massive Open Onli n e Courses ( MOOCs ) for a while now. In my own imaginary Wordle cloud , the word ‘disruptive’ probably features most prominently, but this post deals with the potential impact on Western educational institutions and higher education only on a side-note. But issues around MOOCs and development (policy) have not been really addressed, yet t here is no d oubt that Online learning and various new providers are responding to a major global development, the massification or universalisation of higher education that is creating huge and unmet demand in the developing world . [ Source ] I n this post , I am more concerned what the rise of MOOCs and the growing interest in/from developing countries may mean for local higher education institutions that are already often underfunded and are struggling to meet the demands for adequate education in the 21 st century . I fully agree with Tony Bates ’ criti cal reflections and...