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Hi all, Development news : Arms industry does well on refugee and terrorism threats; The hopelessness of Australian refugees in Nauru; hungry children in Northern Nigeria; the future of INGOs; how to sabotage an independent evaluation; the pros & cons of poverty simulation exercises; what’s an ‘aid worker’ anyway?! Our digital lives : Silicon startup schools; new book on digital humanities & media Academia : The growing knowledge monopolies of academic publishers Enjoy! New from aidnography Expat Etiquette (book review) One of the key reasons why I recommend the book and happily add it to the supplementary reading list of our courses is that it provides a nice contrast to an increasingly professionalized and securitized environment in which aid ‘takes place’. Do not get me wrong: I am all for well-trained, well-paid and mentally stable professionals who do not simply board a plane to see how things work out for them in a refugee camp in Sudan. But I also want ...