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Hi all, I am on the road during the next couple of days-but no reason for you to spend a weekend without interesting and hopefully inspiring reading suggestions! Development news : Senegal is no country for young men; aid convoys-between easy targets and signs of hope; the political economy of ‘forgotten’ conflicts; Nigeria’s loses oil revenues-like billions of it; mining comes to Malawi; female tech activist struggle in the DRC; what’s the ‘world’s youngest dictator’ up to these days in Sierra Leone? Failed migration summit; who is reading UNDP publications? Our digital lives: Blogging under a pseudonym; H&M sells capitalistic ‘empowerment’; being elderly and homeless in the US New publications featuring Bill Easterly, feminist activism and networks of control. Academia: The limitations of higher education conference travel. Enjoy! New from aidnography Visions of Development (book review) In many ways Peter Sutoris’ "Visions of Development: Films Division of I...