Links & Contents I Liked 269
Hi all, This is really a great link review if I may say so myself! :) Quite a dialectical discussion on positive & negative examples of communicating development, opportunities & challenges of engaging with humanitarian journalism, teaching development differently, gender & privilege and deconstruction colonialism through interviews, books, movies or anthropology! Enjoy! New from aidnography Conan O'Brien visits Haiti-the remarkable story of how Team Coco is communicating development His program is an important reminder that celebrities do not have to bring ‘stuff’ to impoverished people, adopt their children or set up an organization themselves because the aid industry is too slow and inefficient in their views. Promoting tourism, cornflakes, art and culture are actually great ways of encouraging people to explore foreign places, meet different people and taste real hot sauce. Development news Top Oxfam staff paid Haiti quake survivors for sex One of the men a...