Links & Contents I Liked 290
Hi all, Welcome back to another Friday link review! Development news: Things are getting better-but poverty is complex; UK Aid in a post-Brexit world; Kenya's start-up scene so white! More money for Kibera; Uganda's 'Ghetto President' is a lesson for digital activism; responding to Kerala's floods; development research & epistemic justice; #MeToo & transitional justice; police militarization. Our digital lives: 'The Winners take all'-philanthrocapitalism revisited; political trolling made in the Philippines. Publications: Sweden's official feminist foreign policy handbook; humanitarian emergencies & adolescents. Enjoy! New from aidnography Should I transition from aid work to academia? Some don’ts & don’ts The basic question is whether it is worth exploring PhD options as a mid-career, midlife aid worker with an intention to transition from the development industry into academia. tl:dr: Don’t do it! Development news 12 Things W...