
My key learnings about #globaldev 20 years after I took my first undergrad course (Links & Contents I Liked 300)

The anniversary of my 300th link review coincides with another one: Pretty much exactly 20 years ago I took my first undergrad class in international development during my first semester at the University of Potsdam. Technically speaking, I never finished my BA in Political Science there, but my interest in development and global politics remains until today… Since I already shared reflections on curating #globaldev content on the occasion of previous anniversary postings , I thought I try out something else today and span a broader arch to some of my key learnings from following research and public debates in development for two decades now. Each of the points below probably deserves a post of its own, but in the meantime, let’s get the debate started! By the way: I sent out a ‘proper’ link review in my very first newsletter as a special treat to subscribers -so if you are not on the list, you know what you need to do now… I will be at the AidEx Expo in Brussels next week and hop...

Links & Contents I Liked 299

Hi all, We had two long, but great days discussing blog project assignments with our Communication for Development students. I am also preparing for post link review #300 next week, but in the meantime... Development news: The problem with microcredit; Saudi's UN PR efforts; China's appetite for fishmeal is felt across Africa; Canada's expensive zombie mines; informality & gig economy in Africa; that blasted white savior complex; the enablers of 'More Than Me'; ICRC goes crowd-funding; toys-in-soap are great! Humanitarian ethics; Bengal famine; Poland in 1987; not burning out after 25 years of medical aid in Uganda. Our digital lives: Visa regimes & journalism; work is the problem of sex work; journalism while brown.   Publications: Questions about nudge theory; what's the impact of DfID's maternal health projects? ILO on air pollution & gender inequalities; World Bank's ComDev report; Fairtrade & the politics of metrics.   Acade...

Links & Contents I Liked 298

Hi all, This week I needed to take a little break from blogging-but there's always time for a great weekly link review! Development news: You saw the Congo wedding pics, right, and thought 'WTF, white people...'; the political science of 'going local'; political economy reports nobody read; will Swedish mining executives go to jail for crimes in Sudan? The UN's failed 'war on drugs'; migrating from Nigeria; more on the World Development Report; UN wants to ban virginity tests; Optimism at the UNGA; What next for #AidToo? How to become a great #globaldev blogger? Our digital lives: Traveling on a 'weak' passport; the botification of Gmail communication. Publications: Technology for feminist creativity; security mapping Haiti. Academia: International criminal courts as sights of spectatorship; why we recycle.  Enjoy! Development news Dear White People... A couple took wedding photos of themselves appearing to be held at gunpoint in the 'Co...

Links & Contents I Liked 297

Hi all, Welcome to your weekly gateway to #globaldev readings! Development news: Impressions from the Safeguarding Summit; foster care instead of orphanages; foreign aid in Indonesia; do no digital harm; Canada's development policy; Kenya's devolution; Vox's journalism on Effective Altruism; Canada's famous development twins under critique; remember Thomas Sankara; plus, snarky tweets all through the section ;)! Our digital lives: Small-scale tourism in developing countries in an age of platform capitalism. Publications: Successful campaigns; humanitarian journalism; breastfeeding at the workplace. Academia: An African feminist reading list; reviewing the fall of the HAU publication project. Enjoy! New from aidnography Who really needs a World Development Report? If nothing else, Changing Nature of Work is an interesting case study on the communicative and discursive environment around so-called ‘flagship reports’. Their framing, but also the framing of the cri...