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Hi all, Happy International Women's Day! My piece on white saviour communication & media rituals has gained some nice traction this week, but there were also other interesting updates from around the #globaldev world! Development news: WWF's wildlife guard problems; following up on the WFP-Palantir affair; an update on suing World Bank/IFC; the commodified digital gig economy; ICT4D & inequalities; racism in the aid industry; how to write about UN & multilateral politics; campaigns against voluntourism; using expat privilege in Malawi; death of a war photographer; Somali's 1970s disco era. Our digital lives: Political hyperleaders & predictive algorithms. Academia: The unseen labour of racialized faculty; taking student evaluations less seriously; shedding books & precarity in #highered. Enjoy! New from aidnography White saviour communication rituals in 10 easy steps The David Lammy/White Saviour versus Stacey Dooley/Comic Relief debate is an exce...