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Hi all, In Development News we start off on the lighter side with a great cartoon on how to end global wealth; in the build-up to the World Humanitarian Summit the role of local NGOs and the issue of aid worker sexual violence attract more reflections; Indonesia is burning; large foundations are bad about feedback; the SDGs need to get smarter about technology; ethical photography; the joys of development blogging and IDS celebrates UN @ 70. Our digital lives and the joys of working from home. Academia with a critical look at the platform capitalism of; the challenge to access aid workers for research; mobile technology for urban learning and ‘me and my shadow CV’ filled with academic rejections. Enjoy! New from aidnography Geek Heresy (book review) I believe that Kentaro Toyama delivered one of the most interesting and intellectually astute contributions to the ICT4D debate in many years in an engaging format that effortlessly combines professional insights, relev...