Links & Content I liked 01

As most of us, I come across interesting things/links/posts/articles/research throughout the week and realised that I cannot write an individual post for all of them (yes, it took me a year of blogging to realise this ;)).
To go with the theme of my blog I will try to divide links into three main, pretty self-explanatory categories that may overlap sometimes, of course: Development, anthropology and academia.
I will also try to add a brief synopsis rather than just 'dumping' the links.
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New on aidnography
Swords to plougshares 2.0-Crocheting for peace & development in Uganda
The chances and challenges of the 'hip' DIYdevelopment enterprise

'from accountant to animal savior'-blog analytics and the power of Google
Did you ever wonder how readers ended up on your blog and what they typed into Google to get there?
So, you’re thinking of studying an MA in Development Studies? Think again.

Great latest addition to advise for prospective students on what to look for when deciding which Masters development studies programme is the right fit.

A passionate family: Reflections on the WSSCC Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene

Robert Chambers shares his reflections on the global forum-by the way: This new blog of the IDS Participation Team is always worth checking out regularly.

Power - A Practical Guide for Facilitating Social Change
Great new resource on understanding power and using it for various facilitation purposes:
'The guide has emerged out of years of experience of its authors, Raji Hunjan and Jethro Pettit, in helping grassroots communities analyse power for change. Their practical approach to facilitation builds on a growing body of useful concepts and methods being used for power analysis by grassroots organisations in the UK and around the world'.

Journal of Ethnographic Theory

'On 2011.30.11 high quality, peer-reviewed anthropology is FREE and COPY LEFT.
Today we are giving you a PREVIEW of the inaugural issue and introducing HAU-N.E.T., a network of research centres and anthropology departments collaborating and supporting the journal and the two connected book series. Today HAU-N.E.T. includes CNRS (France), Sidney (Australia), Manchester (UK), and Amsterdam (NL).
This time the gift is free'.

Book review: Promotion and Tenure Confidential

Although the primary audience are American graduate students, some of it seems applicable to other academic contexts as well:
'The book is comprehensive. It covers supervisory relationships, mentorships, job applications from start to finish, survival on the tenure track at the personal level, the use and misuse of social media, work-life balance, relationships with students (including advice on letters of reference, a rarely covered yet critical aspect of the professional academic experience), and the development and presentation of a tenure file'.

On the merits of repeating oneself – A conference in defense of Bruno Frey 
A few weeks ago there was an issue about economist Bruno Frey and his submission of similar research to several high-ranked journals. Now some of his colleagues are responding with some of academia's sharpest weapons: A conference and a special journal issue!
'"It is only by varied repetition that new ideas can be impressed upon reluctant minds."
This often repeated admonition by the Nobel-prize winning economist James M. Buchanan is obviously unknown to the journalist of the German daily “Handelsblatt” Olaf Storbeck, who has initiated a vendetta against the well-respected economist Bruno S. Frey accusing him of self-plagiarism.
Many people agree that such a delinquency does not even exist. For this reason, a meeting will be convened at the University of Erfurt to discuss the issue, the merits and demerits of repeating oneself'.

Rethinking peer review
Another interesting post (and comments) on the American Anthropological Association's blog on the future of peer-review in anthropology (see also the new journal's website cited above as a contribution to the debate)


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