Aidnography in Stellenbosch & Cape Town

Hi all,

I will be part of our ComDev/Glocal Classroom team that is going to travel to South Africa for a conference on ICT and education organized by Stellenbosch University as well as a seminar with colleagues in Cape Town.
Two exciting and different events and you are most welcome to join us online or in person!

Stellenbosch Seboka 'Transforming education through technological innovation', 25 & 26 March

The first day will be focusing on the experiences of the global network of partner universities which will lead to the second with a diverse range of presentations and discussants:

• Keynote speakers focusing on examples of innovation and transformation of various industries through the utilization of Information and Communication Technologies.
• Panels consisting of university senior management members as respondents focusing on how the integration of ICTs has potential for innovation and transformation of their particular universities.
• Case studies focusing on best practice examples of the pedagogical applications of ICTs in teaching and learning that have led to innovation and transformation of the curriculum.
All the details are available on the Glocal Classroom website.

Art/iculation and Social Change, 28 March

On Friday next week we are going to team up with colleagues and friends at the RLabs in Bridgetown.

This will be an interactive day of teaching and learning and key ComDev colleagues will present, discuss and share their work with colleagues from South Africa, RLabs founder Marlon Parker, documentary film maker/artist Aryan Kaganof and writer Jillian Reilly.
The full program is available on our ComDev Portal.

I am really looking forward to the discussion with Jillian on 'Aid Worker Memoirs: Truth versus Fiction' where we going to discuss the emerging genre of aid worker autobiographies, why reflective writing on aid is important and how to write the perfect memoir on aid work & aid workers...

All these sessions will be live-streamed and recorded for our ComDev Bambuser channel.

If you are in or around Cape Town and want to attend one of these events in person, have questions about virtual participation or just want to grab a coffee do get in touch!


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