A picture says more than (03)...what facebook & Indigo Travel know about my desire to pay for voluntourism in Nepal

Hope you enjoy the warmth and holiday in Sweden just now! But there will be fall this year. What should you do then? Continue with your normal treadmill? Or do something new and exciting - like teaching in Nepal?
After almost 7 years on facebook and petabytes of data and sophisticated algorithms later they put together the keywords 'Nepal', 'Sweden' and 'something with learning' to advertise this fantastic offer by a voluntourism agency registered in Bangkok/Thailand...

Starting from about USD 760 Dollar per week you can teach in a school in a monastery in Nepal-pictures with girls in blue school uniforms and/or the cool sunglasses shot are probably included...

Nepal is a wonderful country and worth every trip! But please, travel as a regular tourist, spend as much money locally with tour operators etc. as possible and just enjoy a peaceful monastery on one of your treks.

But thanks, facebook and Indigo Travel, for encouraging me to post a short PSA on the don'ts of voluntourism...


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