Links & Contents I Liked 226
Hi all, A busy week wrapped up with a fresh book review and the Friday link collage! Development news: Why do expats earn more than locals? Southern online workers (also) get a rough deal; advice on development career starts; Niger Delta suffocating in oil; how dangerous was Zika? More on chickens & cash; Comic Relief needs to become political; gendered leadership gap; the irony of accessing the humanitarian ICT forum remotely; burnout in the field. Our digital lives: Facebook fundraiser individualize risk & support; do-good capitalism is a lie; AI misinformation epidemic; #NakedDiplomacy Academia: Female sessional instructors’ heavy gender toll; Elsevier & Dutch open access; can universities have local and global engagement? Enjoy! New from aidnography Failing in the field (book review) And while the short and very well written text provides some practical insights into how to learn from failure in development field research, the further along t...