Links & Contents I Liked 71
Hello all, It really pays off to be par t of a vibrant net work of development blogging friends and c olleagues! Wh ether on Madonna's visit to Malawi, the use of co nsultant's in development pro jects, a fascinating report on Colombia's ' University of Resistance' or a recap on participatory video-many friends really are at the frontiers of different debates! There are also some critical reflections on latest reports published by ID S and other re search institutes as well as links to a scientific confer ence on the Fukushima nuclear disaster and Richard Florida's admission that the 'creative class' may not have that significant of an impact after all-you will get the development relation when you scroll down...Finally, anthropologist graduate Sarah Kend zior reflects on the challen ging post - PhD transition and a political scientists explains why his artic le on blogging was in the journal publication pipeline for almost two years. Enjoy! Developme...