Apply to our MA in Communication for Development & Advances in C4D course!
Hi all, As most of you know, I have a fantastic 'day job' at Malmö University in Southern Sweden. Right now, applications are open for both our flagship online two-year, part-time MA in Communication for Development and our new, professional course Advances in Communication for Development: Social Action, Planning and Evaluation , both starting in January 2 016. There is plenty of information available on our official ComDev portal for both courses! Master in Communication for Development (part-time, 60 ECTS) The MA in Communication for Development (ComDev) is web-based programme running part-time over two years. During the first year, students receive a comprehensive overview of globalisation and an introduction to the field of Communication for Development. In the second year, students are introduced to the theory and practice of new media and ICT in a development context and receive a thorough introduction to research methodologies in order to prepare them for their thes...