Links & Contents I Liked 218
Hi all, So mething strange has happen ed throughout th is week . For the first time since I started my link review I struggled a bit to c omp ile a meaningful digest since all my social media fe eds were clogged with non-development con tent (well, that's probably not entirely true in some ways...). Partly because of my fi lter bubble , but mostly because the situation in the United States trumps (e xcuse the terrible pun) most other glo bal issues. Nonet he less this sl ightly shorter digest still features some good, critical, sometim es uplifting readi ngs that remind us that the struggles for global justice and inequality know no boundaries. Development news: The Silicon Valley ethos does not work for ICT4D; EU & the shift of #globaldev funds towards refugee issues; women, war & Yemen; the female orchestra from Afghanistan; should we be excited about the latest World Development report? A neat overview of digital campaigning. Our digital lives: The...